Internet of Things IoT Product Engineer

IoT Product Engineer

Cloud Description

Members of this TalentCloud should be able to develop one or multiple parts of the IoT solution focused on devices, connectivity, edge processing, data gathering platform, or applications. Additionally, IoT Product Engineers should be experienced Agile Team developers taking on stories associated with specific expertise delivering sprints and releases. Other requirements include:

  • They should be able to work in an integrated IoT project environment where each agile task is closely linked to other project parts
  • Developing one or several parts of the IoT solution
  • HW, SW, Firmware, or a combination
  • Part of Agile Team implementing the solution
  • Responsible for part of end-to-end implementation

Required Skills

  • Proven ability to develop one or several parts of an IoT solution (device HW/SW, gateway SW, IoT data gathering platform, web/mobile applications, analytics)
  • Knowledge of how specific component fits in the larger IoT solution
  • Development expertise backed up by demonstratable project in relevant areas (C, Java, Python, JavaScript, C#, SQL, HTML)
  • Demonstrable experience in at least two IoT areas (device, connectivity, platform, applications)
  • Understand data models and how to implement them (JSON, XML)
  • Understand communication methods (WAN, LAN (Ethernet), WiFi, mobile, and BLE/LoRaWAN)
  • Proven ability to work in an Agile product development environment
  • Participate in Agile SCRUMs and proven ability to deliver sprints and releases
  • Demonstrated ability to take an Agile story and turn it into a deliverable (step-by-step description of approach)
  • Experience with agile project management tools and documentation and bug tracking (e.g. JIRA)

Preferred Skills

  • Ability to show IoT development skills
  • Experience working within a 4-5 person SCRUM team
  • Show a completed IoT project
  • Web or mobile application projects completed
  • Knowledge of using a cloud computing platform (AWS, Azure, or other)
  • Knowledge of using an IoT cloud platform (AWS, Azure, Google, Oracle, or equivalent)
  • BS in CS, EE, or relevant engineering degree



Required Tech Tools

Are you an Expert in this field?

If you possess proficiency in any of the skills in this field, you can apply to this TalentCloud. Once you have been approved to join this Cloud, you will be able to access exclusive contract opportunities from our clients.