Software/Web Development Front-end Developer

Front-end Developer

Cloud Description

Experts in this TalentCloud should be able to develop and maintain the client side of a website or application. The TalentCloud members are required to create a functional and attractive digital environment, ensuring great user experience.

Required Skills

  • Extensive experience in developing and maintaining the front-end part of a website or application
  • Extensive experience in a JavaScript framework like ReactJS or AngularJS or EmberJS

Preferred Skills

  • Working experience in front-end technologies like React.js or AngularJS or EmberJS or VueJS or JavaScript etc.
  • Working experience in DevOps tools like Kubernetes or Jenkins or Cloud 66 or Digital Ocean or CircleCI etc.



Are you an Expert in this field?

If you possess proficiency in any of the skills in this field, you can apply to this TalentCloud. Once you have been approved to join this Cloud, you will be able to access exclusive contract opportunities from our clients.